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Résumé du livre

Suite de Far Seers

Le livre dépeint un monde semblable à la terre sur une lune avec quelles orbites à gaz, a habité par une espèce de Tyrannosaures fortement développés, sensibles appelés Quintaglios, parmi divers d'autres créatures de la dernière période crétacée. Les Quintaglios ont été importé sur cette lune par des étrangers 65 millions d'années avant l'histoire.

Source (traduit par arween)

Ecrit par arween 

Les critiques...

"Sawyer, who has already collected a heap of awards and critical praise, will only add to his quickly growing reputation with his latest novel. The plot is a deft blending of fantastic adventure with an uncanny allegory of the human condition. The beleaguered Quintaglios must deal, in one way or another, with all the thorny issues that plague life here on Earth: famine, war, territoriality and tribalism, class warfare, the erosion of cultural traditions, the price of heresy, and even (in an unsettling parallel) with the controversy over abortion and birth control. Sawyer's narrative brilliance is such that he can tackle all these serious topics and still deliver an entrancing, even charming story that keeps us hooked with sly cliff-hanger chapter endings. Although Fossil Hunter is obviously aimed at the SF crowd, it deserves a much wider readership." - Books in Canada (Toronto)

"Normally, this isn't the type of story I'd go bonkers about, but Sawyer puts his heart and soul into the story of his dinosaur people, and the result is solid and impressive. Highly recommended." - Circular of Janus, Circle of Janus SF Club of Central Indiana

"Doctrines of evolution and creationism clash in an unexpected context in this thoughtful and compelling sf adventure, which belongs in most sf collections." - Library Journal

"I'd seriously recommend Fossil Hunter as better than any high school biology text I've seen on classic Darwinian evolution." - The New York Review of Science Fiction

Toutes les critiques du livre se trouvent ici.

Ecrit par Elixir88 

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